
As the only U.S.-based nonprofit organization focused on providing programming and leadership opportunities for Muslim and Jewish women of all ages, our work is crucial right now. The Sisterhood serves as an anchor at a time when many of us feel alone as we witness attacks on both Muslim and Jewish communities, and on our rights as women.

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Your investment in our work helps us all to stay at the table during this critical moment, enabling us to reach young women and those from underrepresented communities who may lack the resources to participate. Some ways your donation can do this include:

  • $300 pays an honorarium for a presenter in online or in-person programming;
  • $100 helps us explore new chapters for youth;
  • $50 covers the cost for two students to attend our annual conference.
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Looking to make a bigger investment with lasting impact?

  • Your donation of $7,000 can provide 2 sessions of facilitation training for a cohort of 15-20 women;
  • For $2,500, you can cover expenses for a youth or sister who is otherwise unable to go on a life-changing Building Bridges Trip; or
  • You can cover an interfaith training for around 15 youth for $1,800.
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