National East Coast Conference

The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom's East Coast Conference brings together members, sisters, allies, and community members to engage in interfaith dialogue, foster friendships, and promote peace and understanding.

Book Club Meeting

POSTPONED Due to unforeseen circumstances, the October 16th book club will be postponed until further notice. Join Our Book Club! In honor of our upcoming trip to Spain, please join trip co-leaders, Amira Quraishi and Lisa Breslau, on October 16th at 8pm EST to discuss "Ornament of the World" by Maria Rosa Menocal.  This enthralling […]


International Building Bridges Trip to Morocco

It's Finally Here! The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom is thrilled to announce our upcoming Building Bridges International Trip to Morocco! Save the Date: February 20th - 28th, 2023 Please join us for an exciting, enriching, and immersive experience through Casablanca, Marrakech and Essaouira!We will visit places of importance to both Islam and Judaism, meet with […]

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