As the unconscionable devastation and death toll mounts in Gaza and deep desperation grips Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel, the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom: Women for Peace calls for the immediate and permanent cessation of all violence. And, we call for immediate access to food, clean water, medicines, medical care, shelter, and safety for Palestinians and Israeli hostages in Gaza. No less important, we call for the immediate release of all those who have been taken hostage or prisoner for political reasons.
The only way forward is through robust negotiations leading toward the end of the Occupation and a political/diplomatic solution to the conflict itself.
At the core of that effort is the fundamental commitment to respecting the humanity in every human being and restoring human rights for all peoples in the region. Until such time, the ramifications of disregarding these principles are fueling fear around the world in the face of growing hate against Jewish, Muslim, Palestinian, Israeli, and Arab individuals and communities.
As a Sisterhood, we stand up against hate. As a Sisterhood, we call for an immediate and permanent cessation of violence. As a Sisterhood, we demand peace.
Roberta Elliott Tahija Vikalo
Board President Executive Director
December 18, 2023